
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

 Peaceful protest at Parihaka.

During Te Reo Matatini we read about the story of Parihaka.

I learnt that... Te Whiti-O-Rongomai and Tohu Kakahi were pacifists woh wanted to find peaceful ways to solve land disputes in taranaki ad live in harmony with their neighbours.

on the 18th and 19th of each month, Parihaka welcomes Iwi, Whanau and guests to each of the three Marae to share history and discuss current issues.

the Raukura feathers emerged as a symbol of the passive resistance movement that Tohu Kakahi and Te Whiti o Rongomai began.   

It made me mad because the soldiers toke over the Maori land  

i agree that we should keep guy fawkes day should be reanamed as parihaka day.


Friday, May 22, 2020

Moon phasses

                         On moon phasses

Today we learnt about phasses of the moon and then we did some researched of the maori kupu
we are learning this because matariki is coming up. i learnt about phasses of the moon and there is seven main phasses my moon is the full moon the full moon is my favorite moon its my favorite moon because its my shins in the dark sky.

Monday, February 17, 2020

My Mihi

Ko Dzyre tōku ingoa
Ko Trevina tōku mama
Ko Ant tōku papa
Ko Chance rāua ko Henare ōku tūngane
Ko Tailah tōku tuakana
Ko Tia tōku teina
Ko Hui tōku tuahine

Ko kuri tōku mokai

Friday, February 14, 2020


i created this animation on my google slides.